Deployment Runtime API v0.3.1

License: Apache License 2.0

# Authentication

  • HTTP Authentication, scheme: Bearer


# ListDeploymentRuntimes

GET /api/v1/products/{product_name}/deploymentruntimes


Name In Type Required Description
product_name path string true To list the product name of the repository.
field_selector query string false Filter the list by field. eg:,manifestSource.codeRepo=codeRepo1,destination=env1 Field Support: projects_ref: fuzzy match manifestSource.codeRepo: fuzzy match destination: fuzzy match

Example responses

200 Response

  "items": [
      "product": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "projects_ref": [
      "manifest_source": {
        "code_repo": "string",
        "target_revision": "string",
        "path": "string"
      "destination": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK (opens new window) OK api.deploymentruntime.v1.ListsReply

# GetDeploymentRuntime

GET /api/v1/products/{product_name}/deploymentruntimes/{deploymentruntime_name}


Name In Type Required Description
product_name path string true ProductName is the name of the product.
deploymentruntime_name path string true DeploymentRuntimeName is the name of the Deployment Runtime.

Example responses

200 Response

  "product": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "projects_ref": [
  "manifest_source": {
    "code_repo": "string",
    "target_revision": "string",
    "path": "string"
  "destination": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK (opens new window) OK api.deploymentruntime.v1.GetReply

# SaveDeploymentRuntime

POST /api/v1/products/{product_name}/deploymentruntimes/{deploymentruntime_name}

Body parameter

  "projects_ref": [
  "manifest_source": {
    "code_repo": "string",
    "target_revision": "string",
    "path": "string"
  "destination": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
product_name path string true ProductName is the name of the product.
deploymentruntime_name path string true DeploymentRuntimeName is the name of the Deployment Runtime.
insecure_skip_check query boolean false InsecureSkipCheck specifies whether to skip security checks.
body body api.deploymentruntime.v1.SaveRequest_Body true none

Example responses

200 Response

  "message": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK (opens new window) OK api.deploymentruntime.v1.SaveReply

# DeleteDeploymentRuntime

DELETE /api/v1/products/{product_name}/deploymentruntimes/{deploymentruntime_name}


Name In Type Required Description
product_name path string true ProductName is the name of the product.
deploymentruntime_name path string true DeploymentRuntimeName is the name of the Deployment Runtime.
insecure_skip_check query boolean false InsecureSkipCheck specifies whether to skip security checks.

Example responses

200 Response

  "message": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK (opens new window) OK api.deploymentruntime.v1.DeleteReply

# Schemas


  "message": "string"

Represents a response to a DeleteRequest message.

# Properties

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none Msg is a message confirming the delete.


  "product": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "projects_ref": [
  "manifest_source": {
    "code_repo": "string",
    "target_revision": "string",
    "path": "string"
  "destination": "string"

GetReply is a message that returns a Deployment Runtime.

# Properties

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
product string false none Product is the name of the product.
name string false none Name is the name of the Deployment Runtime.
projects_ref [string] false none ProjectsRef is a list of project references.
manifest_source api.deploymentruntime.v1.ManifestSource false none ManifestSource is a message representing the source of the deployment manifest.
destination string false none Destination is the destination for the deployment.


  "items": [
      "product": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "projects_ref": [
      "manifest_source": {
        "code_repo": "string",
        "target_revision": "string",
        "path": "string"
      "destination": "string"

ListsReply is a message that returns a list of Deployment Runtimes.

# Properties

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
items [api.deploymentruntime.v1.GetReply] false none Items is a list of Deployment Runtimes.


  "code_repo": "string",
  "target_revision": "string",
  "path": "string"

ManifestSource is a message representing the source of the deployment manifest.

# Properties

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
code_repo string false none CodeRepo specifies the code repository of the git platform.
target_revision string false none TargetRevision is the corresponding code repository revision, eg: main.
path string false none Path is the deploy the specified path.


  "message": "string"

SaveReply is a message that confirms a Deployment Runtime has been saved.

# Properties

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none Msg is a message confirming the save.


  "projects_ref": [
  "manifest_source": {
    "code_repo": "string",
    "target_revision": "string",
    "path": "string"
  "destination": "string"

Body is the message body.

# Properties

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
projects_ref [string] false none ProjectsRef is a list of project references.
manifest_source api.deploymentruntime.v1.ManifestSource false none ManifestSource is a message representing the source of the deployment manifest.
destination string false none Destination is the destination for the deployment.